Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yawn... *-*
Just wake up from a quite long nappy.
Too tired. Sleep late wake up early.Lol.
Today went for open house at 8am?
Than start at 9am. Keep yawning.
Than about the 930am, parents start to come in to see our dance.
Funny thing is that one parents come in we perform one time. x(
When we perform the spectrum dance for three times?
Than Safura say never mind they perform the hip hop can le.
Than we dame happy Jump here jump there.
But when during the time when no parents come in, we must learn the
hip hop steps. Quite easy but i cannot catch the beat.
At about 11++, Mr chui came in with a lady, than he told
us she is our new vice principle! Lol.
She quite nice but problem is when we dance she never even Look!
Keep using her phone and talking. So rude.
At 1pm, the open house ended than we all went home
but me and Qing Wen went walking around the school. Haha.
Than she went to take a balloon.
I took one too but cannot fly. Too heavy?
Walk home.Eat curry puff cause too hungry never eat break fast.
Than watch a bit Ben 10 than went to deep sleep till 5pm+.
At 6pm than watch the Ben 10 alien swarm. Hehe.
Yawnz.. Still very tired. going sleep le. Byeee~

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