Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good Afternoon All!
This few days started to start a new study method.. Read twenty words from the thesaurus every day and my mum will give me spelling of each word.. Quite easy to remember la... Today woke up at 10am+, brush up and start reading my story books.. :)
Than i came across this story talking about when you like a person.


Isn't this touching~ *sob* Lol.


wake up early in the morning at 5.30am
because my alarm clock rang. x(
than cannot fall a asleep again...
went out with dad to sent both my big brothers to camp.
on the way there was dame quiet.No one speak. Dunno why.
than when reach tuas, they alighted than i move to the front sit.
suddenly when the air-con blow towards me, i felt sleepy again...
end my post here...Bye~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yo. How is your Day...
Mine is as good as ytd and ytd and ytd. Lol!
Today went to Jurong point to buy some books from popular.
Than my father saw a camcorder and like it so much that he bought it.
After that we went to take our lunch than went around walking than went to bukit panjang.
Borrow 7 books to read cause too bored le..
Than after i came back home, i went to youtube and found this video.. Enjoy~