Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday , tired day...

Happy Birthday AhXing!
So many ppl's birthday is coming and some even is over...
Why my one like so slow de...
If can i wish everyday is my birthday!
Full of laughter and Joy!
But that is TOTALLY impossible!
Talking about friday (tired day):
Morning wake up as usual at 6am, do what i should do
in the morning.
Than when i was eating my breakfast, my mum told me to
help her copy her chinese test .... =.=
After that carry the quite heavy bag than went to school.
First period which is TC (teacher contact), we see a news about
internet.. People using internet more often nowadays.
Watch le than do a reflection journal... (anyhow write :P)
After that was chemistry... Quite Okay..
But could not really understand the topic...Think must revise myself at home.
Than Miss Su gave us five question to do and i do not know even one! Shyt!
After that was recess, and this is the first recess that the guys were
sitting with the girls. Lol.
After that Chun keat was sobotage by the guys to sit near to a
sec one girl he like. Haha! He look Dame Paiseh!
He also tried to come back to sit with the guys but they chase him away
and tell him go sit with the girl.
The next period was P.E but too bad Mr tan never come so we all
was relief by a teacher call Mr leong?
He told us a story which i do not really understand but i remember is about
car accident.. Than he told us to do a worksheet than everyone nearly got all
wrong.... Lol.
Just right after this teacher went out the classroom, Audrey and Shanggari
quarrel. Than one of them cried. >.<
After that was just plain boring lesson and test.
After school ends, YiXin,LuMeng and me stay back to decorate
to class notice board.
She painted bamboo on the board. Super nice!
While she is painting , i was playing Natasha Ipod.
Haha. She lose me one round but after that i won back . ^^
About 1+ i went home with my bro and we have our lunch.
Finish eating le than i stared helping my mum copy the chinese...
copy half way, i fell into deep sleep until 6pm! (So tired)
Went to take dinner than finish some of the homework and fall asleep
again. Hehe!
I will end here.... Still need to finish the 60+ question maths!

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