Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today did nothing much..
Just came back from Mr cheng maths supplementary and Higher Chinese.
And is now preparing the things to teach my cousin tml...
Quite bored la.

I went to this community club event, which my mum's friend tell me to go help out,
just went there, took a pink colour hat and not even half and hour i can go le. =.=
I just went to the canal near to our school to direct people where to run.
Than i got one packet of nasi lemak but i did not eat it, cause mum want to eat so gave it to her,
while i eat lor mee.
After that my brother and i went home while parents went to find grandpa to chit chat.
While going home we took some photo with the pink cape i got.
Upon reaching home, i copied my geography notes than use the computer..

Nothing much to say le.. Bye!

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