Saturday, July 31, 2010

Long time no post! Yixin started nagging! LOL!
Neh. this few months quite busy... Blog! Blog! Blog! Herb! Herb! Herb!
Nothing alse.. Now worst, commen test two coming in a week time and chinese on monday!
HELP!! *faint*
Did nothing much also... facebook, study, walk around, go school, go dance.
Say until dance, it getting tougher and tougher. do not know how we junior gonna survive without the senior next year... we not good in tactnic, not good in cheographing dance. JIALAT!
Wish the senior dont leave us... ><


more friends! - Rachel, and some of the guys in our class.
Din really talk much in the first year, but the second year started knowing them and talk more and MORE! haha!

Know huang jian ( which is a good and funny teacher) he will joke with us but also quite serious sometimes ( quite scarey also).


DANCE NIGHT! - me and pei qin were having a hard time thinking what to dance , what song to choose and worst still, WHAT DANCE STEPS!

COMMEN TEST- Must try my so dame lot best to get good result as i stand great percentage on SA2 which conclude which class i going next year( aiming for 3E1)

TERESA JiayOu!!!

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