Sunday, March 8, 2009

It is quite late now but i just get back from Malaysia~
It was dame fun (only some places not fun cause very warm and stuffy) We went to a shop to buy some food to eat at the first stop... After that we went to the "Yong ping" to buy some items...
After the buying and shopping, we went to a temple.. OMG! the temple is full of houseflies and dunno why suddenly stomach super pain... I try to stand the pain.. but no choice as at last i really cannot stand anymore and ran back to the bus to put
ailment.At the moment we step in to the bus, we saw flies here and there!!
we also got go to the goat farm to take a few pics ( see below~)

Sleeping Together~

Two Male Goats!!

Baby Drinking Milk!!

Sleeping Together too~

Scary Sia!! (lol)

It was just a fun day!! Haha!!

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