Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today is So Tiring!!
We went to "you keng" today! It is so tiring but like am adventure! lolx!
I woke up early in the morning to prepare and go out! When we reach there, we wait there. While waiting ,we play PSP and listen to songs. After about an hour or so, they( duno how to phrase them) is ready and we set off...
Not long, it started to rain heavily! Wat The!! we duno wat to do in the sudden rain... but we just took out the umbrella to cover ourself! No use we were still soak in water! At that time mostly all of us started to scold the driver as he like dunno how to drive start le then stop, stop le then start!!
After about an hour we reach a temple & everyone ran to the toilet ...

When we got near the starting point of the place, we got down the lorry and started walking but luckily the rain has stopped. We walked a long way and took a lot of pics! I haven got it...
The event ended! We were all starving... We went to eat and i got two pics of our finish plates!

See the fish only left with bones!

The plates so clean!

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