Saturday, April 25, 2009

Q1. What is your wallpaper on your computer ?
- a photo?
Q2. How many televisions have you in your house ?
- there are four but one is too small so keep lo...
Q3. Are you right-handed or left-handed ?
- Right-handed
Q4, Have you had anything removed from your body ?
- No!!
.Q5. What is the last heavy item you lifted ?
- my king or queen sze bed?
Q6. Have you ever been knocked out ?
- Nope!
Q7. If it were possible , would you want to know the day you are going to die ?
- Don't Want...
.Q8. If you could change your name , what would you change it to ?
- neh! i dun wan to change!
Q9. What colour do you think look best on you ?
- black and white
Q10. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item ?
Q11. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200 000 ?
- Cut off !?
Q12. Would you never blog again for $50 000 ?
Q13.Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000 ?
- See you can drink first lo!
Q14. Would you , without fear of punishment , take a person life for $1 000 000 ?
- that will be too Cruel
Q15. What is in your left pocket ?
- no pocket
Q16. Is napoleon dynamite actually a good show ?
- napoleon dynamite?
Q17. Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house ?
- every house also got =.="
Q18. Do you sit or stand in the shower ?
- sit or stand also can! see my mood that day
Q19. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own ?
- 2 or 3?
Q20. Last person who texted you ?
- duno who that guy or gal is.
Q21, Last person who called you ?
- my brother, tony
Q22, Last person you hugged ?
- a person but forget le
Q23. Number ?
- 18
Q24, Season ?
- winter.
Q25. Colour ?
- Blue,black and white
Q26. Missing someone ?
- yes( but dun wan say! )lol
Q27. Mood ?
- happy
Q28.Listening to ?
- Tony talking?.
Q29. Watching ?
- Tony's face?.
Q30. Worrying about ?
- everything...scared sth bad will hapen anytime...
Q31. Wearing ?
- T- shirt
.Q32. First place you went to this morning ?
- toilet ==
Q33.What can you wait not to do ?
- sleep !!
Q34. Do you smile often ?
- yup! even i smile , i am sad too><
Q35. Are you a friendly person ?
- maybe?


Hello! Long time no post le cause this few weeks keep trying to cope with my study and dance practice.This month just finish three preformance, one is the P3 concert(not primary three), second one is SYF and the last one is speech day that was held two days ago.
Talking about SYF, DANCE got GOLD award!! YEAH!! lol
About four days ago, i went to watch the cats musical with the dance clubies~ The musical was quite bored for me and some of my friends.We even saw one uncle (behind us) mouth big big , leg open wide wide sleeping sia. Cause the musical ws too bored, me and my friend was playing the rollar coaster game in our phone.It wan quite fun.
Our will end my post here! I will post a pic of darrel kissing one of the cats(wallpaper la!).

Monday, April 13, 2009

I want to go see the handsome suit anyone want to go see arh?
any one from my class or anything? See full size image

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I want to go see movie sia~
Who is free sia?
bored bored bored~

Friday, April 3, 2009

who really know how i feel...
everyday just got scolded...caned...
stress from all the studies...
even late home also got scolded...