Saturday, April 25, 2009

Q1. What is your wallpaper on your computer ?
- a photo?
Q2. How many televisions have you in your house ?
- there are four but one is too small so keep lo...
Q3. Are you right-handed or left-handed ?
- Right-handed
Q4, Have you had anything removed from your body ?
- No!!
.Q5. What is the last heavy item you lifted ?
- my king or queen sze bed?
Q6. Have you ever been knocked out ?
- Nope!
Q7. If it were possible , would you want to know the day you are going to die ?
- Don't Want...
.Q8. If you could change your name , what would you change it to ?
- neh! i dun wan to change!
Q9. What colour do you think look best on you ?
- black and white
Q10. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item ?
Q11. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200 000 ?
- Cut off !?
Q12. Would you never blog again for $50 000 ?
Q13.Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000 ?
- See you can drink first lo!
Q14. Would you , without fear of punishment , take a person life for $1 000 000 ?
- that will be too Cruel
Q15. What is in your left pocket ?
- no pocket
Q16. Is napoleon dynamite actually a good show ?
- napoleon dynamite?
Q17. Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house ?
- every house also got =.="
Q18. Do you sit or stand in the shower ?
- sit or stand also can! see my mood that day
Q19. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own ?
- 2 or 3?
Q20. Last person who texted you ?
- duno who that guy or gal is.
Q21, Last person who called you ?
- my brother, tony
Q22, Last person you hugged ?
- a person but forget le
Q23. Number ?
- 18
Q24, Season ?
- winter.
Q25. Colour ?
- Blue,black and white
Q26. Missing someone ?
- yes( but dun wan say! )lol
Q27. Mood ?
- happy
Q28.Listening to ?
- Tony talking?.
Q29. Watching ?
- Tony's face?.
Q30. Worrying about ?
- everything...scared sth bad will hapen anytime...
Q31. Wearing ?
- T- shirt
.Q32. First place you went to this morning ?
- toilet ==
Q33.What can you wait not to do ?
- sleep !!
Q34. Do you smile often ?
- yup! even i smile , i am sad too><
Q35. Are you a friendly person ?
- maybe?

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