Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hello! Long time no post le cause this few weeks keep trying to cope with my study and dance practice.This month just finish three preformance, one is the P3 concert(not primary three), second one is SYF and the last one is speech day that was held two days ago.
Talking about SYF, DANCE got GOLD award!! YEAH!! lol
About four days ago, i went to watch the cats musical with the dance clubies~ The musical was quite bored for me and some of my friends.We even saw one uncle (behind us) mouth big big , leg open wide wide sleeping sia. Cause the musical ws too bored, me and my friend was playing the rollar coaster game in our phone.It wan quite fun.
Our will end my post here! I will post a pic of darrel kissing one of the cats(wallpaper la!).

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