Friday, May 29, 2009

1) What is your full name ?
Tan Sher Qi, Teresa
2) Do you like your first name ?
3)How long have you liked the person you currently like ?
4)Have you kissed anyone in the last 48hour?
5)Did you cry today?
Yup ! stomach pain!!
6)What are you doing at this morning at 8am ?
In school doing the wat choosing of president
7)What are you doing an hour ago ?
Playing PSP.
8)What are you currently doing?
This quiz la~
9)Have you told anyone that you love him/her today?
10)Do you miss anyone now?
Yes~ My family~
11)Any plans for tomorrow ?
Do a chinese compo, complete my HW and going GQD
12)What is the reason behind the last time you cry?
i just said cause of STOMACH ach!!.
13)Is there anyone you wish to be with.
Yes, everyone! lol
14)Have you ever kissed any living thing start with C?
Yes, my brother carey and chris
15)Did someone make you smile today?
My friends?
16)Name a friend whose name start with Z .
17)Which of your friends stay closest to you?
No one...
18)Do you prefer a call or to text ?
19)Was today better than yesterday ?
i think so~
20)Can you live a day without your Tv or your handphone?
Yup. Cause also no one message mi or anything
21)Are you Mad at anything now ?
Why should i be mad?
22) what does your last text massage in your inbox says ?
What are you doing at home now? (mum)
23)Is Your room messy now?

End of my quiz~
Yeah! holiday is here~ But also quite bored~
Still must go back for CCA and maths remedia~
Wish that could go out and catch a movie~


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1. Kissed someone?
- nope!
2. Sang?
- yes
3. Listened to music?
- listening now?
4. Danced Crazy?
- got dance but not crazy
5. Cried?
- yes, dio caning
6. Liked someone you can't have?
- not sure

1.Who was your first prom date?
- there are not even a prom i heard of
2. Who was your first roommate?
- parents?
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
- i never drink before
5. What was your first car?
- Toy car
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
- my parent's friend i think
8. Who was your first grade teacher?
- oh ! i remember is mrs Ravi. i think she has retire or maybe change school. i miss her sia.
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
- neh! never take aeroplane before
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
- my mum
11. Who was your first Best Friend?
- duno? too many friends haha
12. Who is your best friend?
- lots of!
13. Where was your first sleepover?
- my aunt's house
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
- most probably roxanne jiejie. but that is last time la... now sad, talk to myself lo...
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman?
- neh! i onli think i go before one people wedding ceremony and the person i don even know!!
16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
- rub my eyes
Q17 and Q18 is missing i dont noe why...
19. First tattoo or piercing?
- when i am in K1 i think . i pierce with KJ
20. First celebrity crush?
- duno. even know also dunwan say.
22. First crush?
- someone i know! haha!

What to do if you like this quiz so much?

Just COPY , PASTE , DELETE my ANS , write your own ans down! lol

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pictures Time!!

I told your i will put pics in but i forgot everytime ><
So now i will show all the pictures!!
It will be a long pic post!!

Krishna's Hand

Lu Meng's and YiXin's hand

My hand!

Brandon's and Chun Kiat's Hands

Lol! my name is also a place?!

Went to see CATS musical with dancers
Darrel kissing tthe poster that got
a female cat? (miss her arh?)

My love Dad's Birthday ^^

SYF dance Make Up!!
Cool right? lol

Went to east coust with Dance Club!

Individuel foot step ><

BBQ(class gathering)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today is such a bored... Geography so hard.. *Sob*
Today weird siah...
dunno what happen sia! Go such my song suddenly pop out a canadian idiot song -.-
Scared do lo! My speaker i on dame loud lo ><
Tml History!! Die le la! Nothing to read on and also duno wat to read!!
Dun wan say le! i go study ^^ Jiayou for all the other test!!
Love you Roxanne JieJie!

Friday, May 1, 2009

list out 15 ppl.

1. Kaijing
3.Shi Hong
4. Samuel
5. Roxanne jie
6. Fahanah
7. Xuan Lin
8. Jeremy
9. Janice
10. Brandon
11.Sin Yu
12. Krishna
13. Benedict kor
14. Natasha
15. Shan Jie

1. Is one single ?
-Neh! She told me she got a boyfriend le~

2. Describe 9.
- She is Our FAM leader! Pro sia!

3. If 4 and 14 stead , will it be a good thing ?
- I dun think they even know each other

4. When is the last time you went out with 2 ?
- I didn't go out with her before.

5. How did you get to know 11 ?
-Dance Club!
6. What if 10 and 12 fight ?
- It will be cool

7. What does your last sms say ?
-You are my friend ?!

8. What time is it now ?

9. What were you doing before this ?
- Studying

10. Do you love 3 ?
- he is my cousin!

11. What is your fav. food ?
-Everyting that is edible

12. Have you been pissed off recently ?

13. Which is more important to you ? 6 or 8 ?

14. Will you be jealous if 15 jio 1 ?

15. Do you miss 5 ?
- Miss like CARZY!!

16. Which is more important ? Stead or 13 ?
- Hard to ans sia! stead is part of my life(maybe) benedict kor quite good la

17. How many children do you want ?
-nvr think of that leh!

18. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
- banker

19. Is 7 single ?
- ya!

20. Is 2 chio/yandao ?
- Chio! lol

21. Have you kiss a rabbit before ?
- nope! but carry before

22. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you ?
-Kanna cane

23. If 5 and 13 gets marry , will it be a good thing ?
-Yup! If really that happen i will be surprise and happy

24. Does 4 play RuneScape ?
- Dah! obviously

25. Does 9 play maple ?

26. Have you hugged 8 ?
- nope! i know him in audition

27. Describe 6.
-she is nice and funny?

28. How old is 12 ?
- same age as me~

29. Have you kissed 11 before ?
- *vomit* i do not wan be a les!

30. Which cca is 10 in ?
- Band

31. Which icecream flavour does i like ?

32. What is 3's hobby ?
- talking to pretty gal (playboy)

33. Does 10 love 12 ?
- duno!

34. Is 13 sexy/hot ?
- diao -.-

35. Do you like 15 ?
-like as a friend

36. If you quarrelled with 1 , will you forgive him/her ?

37. What's 15 occupation ?
- he is still a student

38. Describe 3.
- playboy!

39. If 2 and 15 like the same guy/girl , what will they do ?
-one are gal and one are guy ><

40. If you and 1 like the same girl/guy , what will you do ?
-i don't think we will like the same guy

41. Have 15 treated you to a meal ?

42. When is 1's b'day ?
- not so sure leh!

43. From 1-15 , who is th chioest and most shuai.
-Roxanne jie is the chioest and Benedict is the most shuai

44. Is 4 cute ?
- Dun think so -.-

45. How are you and 14 related ?

46. When did you last talked to 8 ?
-We talked in MSN

47. Where did you last go out with 10 ?
- We nvr go out tgt before

48. Who last tagged you blogg ?
- samuel

49. What will you do if your bestie betray you ?
- I will cry.. EMO

50. Do you hate 4 ?
- no?
Boring...Nth but study..
Why are there exams sia! Make study so bored.
I prefer class test or block test everyday then having big test in like mid year exam and and of year exam. Make me so stress up!
Getting nagged all day by my mum. Nvr study then use caned to threatned me. Do not let me go to place i like.Just stay at home the whole day doing nth but STUDY!