Friday, May 29, 2009

1) What is your full name ?
Tan Sher Qi, Teresa
2) Do you like your first name ?
3)How long have you liked the person you currently like ?
4)Have you kissed anyone in the last 48hour?
5)Did you cry today?
Yup ! stomach pain!!
6)What are you doing at this morning at 8am ?
In school doing the wat choosing of president
7)What are you doing an hour ago ?
Playing PSP.
8)What are you currently doing?
This quiz la~
9)Have you told anyone that you love him/her today?
10)Do you miss anyone now?
Yes~ My family~
11)Any plans for tomorrow ?
Do a chinese compo, complete my HW and going GQD
12)What is the reason behind the last time you cry?
i just said cause of STOMACH ach!!.
13)Is there anyone you wish to be with.
Yes, everyone! lol
14)Have you ever kissed any living thing start with C?
Yes, my brother carey and chris
15)Did someone make you smile today?
My friends?
16)Name a friend whose name start with Z .
17)Which of your friends stay closest to you?
No one...
18)Do you prefer a call or to text ?
19)Was today better than yesterday ?
i think so~
20)Can you live a day without your Tv or your handphone?
Yup. Cause also no one message mi or anything
21)Are you Mad at anything now ?
Why should i be mad?
22) what does your last text massage in your inbox says ?
What are you doing at home now? (mum)
23)Is Your room messy now?

End of my quiz~

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