Friday, May 1, 2009

list out 15 ppl.

1. Kaijing
3.Shi Hong
4. Samuel
5. Roxanne jie
6. Fahanah
7. Xuan Lin
8. Jeremy
9. Janice
10. Brandon
11.Sin Yu
12. Krishna
13. Benedict kor
14. Natasha
15. Shan Jie

1. Is one single ?
-Neh! She told me she got a boyfriend le~

2. Describe 9.
- She is Our FAM leader! Pro sia!

3. If 4 and 14 stead , will it be a good thing ?
- I dun think they even know each other

4. When is the last time you went out with 2 ?
- I didn't go out with her before.

5. How did you get to know 11 ?
-Dance Club!
6. What if 10 and 12 fight ?
- It will be cool

7. What does your last sms say ?
-You are my friend ?!

8. What time is it now ?

9. What were you doing before this ?
- Studying

10. Do you love 3 ?
- he is my cousin!

11. What is your fav. food ?
-Everyting that is edible

12. Have you been pissed off recently ?

13. Which is more important to you ? 6 or 8 ?

14. Will you be jealous if 15 jio 1 ?

15. Do you miss 5 ?
- Miss like CARZY!!

16. Which is more important ? Stead or 13 ?
- Hard to ans sia! stead is part of my life(maybe) benedict kor quite good la

17. How many children do you want ?
-nvr think of that leh!

18. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
- banker

19. Is 7 single ?
- ya!

20. Is 2 chio/yandao ?
- Chio! lol

21. Have you kiss a rabbit before ?
- nope! but carry before

22. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you ?
-Kanna cane

23. If 5 and 13 gets marry , will it be a good thing ?
-Yup! If really that happen i will be surprise and happy

24. Does 4 play RuneScape ?
- Dah! obviously

25. Does 9 play maple ?

26. Have you hugged 8 ?
- nope! i know him in audition

27. Describe 6.
-she is nice and funny?

28. How old is 12 ?
- same age as me~

29. Have you kissed 11 before ?
- *vomit* i do not wan be a les!

30. Which cca is 10 in ?
- Band

31. Which icecream flavour does i like ?

32. What is 3's hobby ?
- talking to pretty gal (playboy)

33. Does 10 love 12 ?
- duno!

34. Is 13 sexy/hot ?
- diao -.-

35. Do you like 15 ?
-like as a friend

36. If you quarrelled with 1 , will you forgive him/her ?

37. What's 15 occupation ?
- he is still a student

38. Describe 3.
- playboy!

39. If 2 and 15 like the same guy/girl , what will they do ?
-one are gal and one are guy ><

40. If you and 1 like the same girl/guy , what will you do ?
-i don't think we will like the same guy

41. Have 15 treated you to a meal ?

42. When is 1's b'day ?
- not so sure leh!

43. From 1-15 , who is th chioest and most shuai.
-Roxanne jie is the chioest and Benedict is the most shuai

44. Is 4 cute ?
- Dun think so -.-

45. How are you and 14 related ?

46. When did you last talked to 8 ?
-We talked in MSN

47. Where did you last go out with 10 ?
- We nvr go out tgt before

48. Who last tagged you blogg ?
- samuel

49. What will you do if your bestie betray you ?
- I will cry.. EMO

50. Do you hate 4 ?
- no?

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