Friday, October 30, 2009

My life??

Yo! Hello everyone!
No choice but put one new post. That SinYu keep pestering me to write one new post in school. This Will Be a
DAME long post With lots of pics!!!
Nothing fun during this period lo... Just finish End-Of-Year Examination.
Before exam , i go for a temple event ( duno what) , than i am one of the lion dance de helper. ><>
he shirt and the props .



After This event than i got my Home Economic Practical test.... Quite nice for me la. Haha....

Dumpling noodle.

During the exam period, LuMeng ,ShiHui and I got a small study group. But lol Lumeng only come for not even one hour than she go home le...

Studying hard for Maths Paper One and History~

Shi Hui asking me some maths question.

LuMeng which just woke up from her nap!

The last test of this year is ART!!

LuMeng's art piece. (get very high marks lo!)

My art piece. :P

Haha!!! Told you quite long le ba~ I continue my post in another page! *.*

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