Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good Afternoon All!
This few days started to start a new study method.. Read twenty words from the thesaurus every day and my mum will give me spelling of each word.. Quite easy to remember la... Today woke up at 10am+, brush up and start reading my story books.. :)
Than i came across this story talking about when you like a person.


Isn't this touching~ *sob* Lol.


wake up early in the morning at 5.30am
because my alarm clock rang. x(
than cannot fall a asleep again...
went out with dad to sent both my big brothers to camp.
on the way there was dame quiet.No one speak. Dunno why.
than when reach tuas, they alighted than i move to the front sit.
suddenly when the air-con blow towards me, i felt sleepy again...
end my post here...Bye~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yo. How is your Day...
Mine is as good as ytd and ytd and ytd. Lol!
Today went to Jurong point to buy some books from popular.
Than my father saw a camcorder and like it so much that he bought it.
After that we went to take our lunch than went around walking than went to bukit panjang.
Borrow 7 books to read cause too bored le..
Than after i came back home, i went to youtube and found this video.. Enjoy~

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yawn... *-*
Just wake up from a quite long nappy.
Too tired. Sleep late wake up early.Lol.
Today went for open house at 8am?
Than start at 9am. Keep yawning.
Than about the 930am, parents start to come in to see our dance.
Funny thing is that one parents come in we perform one time. x(
When we perform the spectrum dance for three times?
Than Safura say never mind they perform the hip hop can le.
Than we dame happy Jump here jump there.
But when during the time when no parents come in, we must learn the
hip hop steps. Quite easy but i cannot catch the beat.
At about 11++, Mr chui came in with a lady, than he told
us she is our new vice principle! Lol.
She quite nice but problem is when we dance she never even Look!
Keep using her phone and talking. So rude.
At 1pm, the open house ended than we all went home
but me and Qing Wen went walking around the school. Haha.
Than she went to take a balloon.
I took one too but cannot fly. Too heavy?
Walk home.Eat curry puff cause too hungry never eat break fast.
Than watch a bit Ben 10 than went to deep sleep till 5pm+.
At 6pm than watch the Ben 10 alien swarm. Hehe.
Yawnz.. Still very tired. going sleep le. Byeee~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

sad little teddy is weary with woe by harold.lloyd (won't somebody think of the berry?).

Today was Bored and Fun.

Bored because of nothing. (secret)
Fun because of DANCE!

Today Mr Dandy teach us a "sexy"dance.
It is dame funny. Keke.
We laugh while we dance,and dance while we laugh.
But before that, SinYu and me build a cube with the dance mat. Quite Nice.
Than one of the sec two(forget her name) went in to the cube and we pushed her.
Quite Heavy. Haha.
After 2.30,we should be heading for home.
But Mrs Ng tell us to stay back to think of four difference
performance to entertain the audience,which is the adults and the P6 during the open house.
We swim true our brain juice also cannot think of any idea.
Suddenly, Mr Lee came in the talk. (Blah,blah,blah)
Than tel us to go back school Tomorrow!
SinYu and me was like :"Huh!Cannot la."
Than Mr Lee and Mrs Ng give us the angry look on the face.
Than Mrs Ng say:"We are dancers, we work as a team."
Mr Lee say:"We will not scold you as today you are responsible as you came for dance"
After that we went home.

Just upon reaching home,
my parents tell me go with them to the biscuit store near BBP.
Urgh! Dame tired when reach home.
Take a small nap than wake up for dinner.
After dinner,watch Ben10 than go to bathe. Hehe.

I will write till here. Bye~

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hello All.
Day Just Past , so boring.
But I have a lot of fun during dance,
We some how made a "house" out of mats.
Than we took some pictures with it. haha.
We tried to make it stand but to bad it is not that stable.
The most funny thing that happen is that when we heard that Mr dandy coming,
we all destroy the house and throw the mat to its normal place as fast as we could.
If you see the scene you will laugh like crazy.

Amy and Afiqa trying to hold on

The Sin Yu throw all the mat onto me will i was trying to rest ><

I will end my blog here. Bye!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wo!What a tiring day today sia!
Today Mr dandy suddenly angry than shouted at us,
cause we cannot do the turning(forget call what le.)
than as we all cannot do double turning,we must stay until 5pm!
but miss fong save us as she told us that the school is ending soon and we must leave school.
After dance,i went home take my lunch,slack,use computer and take a nap.

At night time really really more nothing to do.
Than i invite my brothers to play a while of simple mahjong!
Win a bit of money^^.
After dinner, when i was writing this post, my carey came in to see me post.
I afford him my help to make a blog for him.Than finish in 2hour.
Ya, thats what i did today~

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello Alls!
Just finish editing this blog.
Nothing to do,so find myself something to do.
Edit this blog for about.
Erm...2hour or more?
Than because i do not know how to like so call "hide" the music,
i ask shan jie how than he teach me. thank you!

Wish your will like this blog more! :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Yo! What Do You Think After Examination!
The Spectrum! This is my first year participating in this school event!
I performed in two dance Indian dance and Japanese dance.
Both were equally fun but prefer to go Indian dance more... cause i know the people there... (dunno how to phrase)

I will post some pics of me and my fellow friends during the spectrum period!

Japanese dance! (sakura)
Our costume is pink in colour. The funny thing is that the guy also the same colour!!!

Indian dance! (Mukunda Mukunda)
I remember they say this is to celebrate lords krishna's birthday..
But the way thank you Arti for the costume, but too tight somehow ><

Kanaga? (sorry really forget her name how to spell)

Lol ! SinYu! ( Miss Kinabalu , Miss pose[jkjk] )

Guess who is this!

Krishna! ( look so serious in the first pic i took )

Before spectrum, i went to this Jui WangYe de event.

This Is Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

This is my first brother. (act cute not cute ) :p

My life??

Yo! Hello everyone!
No choice but put one new post. That SinYu keep pestering me to write one new post in school. This Will Be a
DAME long post With lots of pics!!!
Nothing fun during this period lo... Just finish End-Of-Year Examination.
Before exam , i go for a temple event ( duno what) , than i am one of the lion dance de helper. ><>
he shirt and the props .



After This event than i got my Home Economic Practical test.... Quite nice for me la. Haha....

Dumpling noodle.

During the exam period, LuMeng ,ShiHui and I got a small study group. But lol Lumeng only come for not even one hour than she go home le...

Studying hard for Maths Paper One and History~

Shi Hui asking me some maths question.

LuMeng which just woke up from her nap!

The last test of this year is ART!!

LuMeng's art piece. (get very high marks lo!)

My art piece. :P

Haha!!! Told you quite long le ba~ I continue my post in another page! *.*

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello! Here am i posting again~
Today did nothing but go to school, study and study
I was suddenly addicted to this book called Nancy Drew
It is about a girl which is a detective PRO. Every case she take she will do until is like all Clear!

Today afternoon, i went back to dance,tired lei! Do new song and exercise for this month ...
this dance like doing aerobic lo... than still got a whack on the butt for forgetting the steps >.<>

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long Time NO post le! anyone miss me? :x

This month is my birthday... Roxanne jiejie and Benedict korkor celebrated with me.
we went to K-box at Jurong Safra to sing like siao! Starting I dun really feel like singing lo!
DAME paiseh! but too bad tio force by them! -.-
while singing one of my shoe string SNAP! than i walk till like injured liao!
after singing we walk out of the Jurong safra, not even 20 STEPS! the other side of my shoe string SNAP! SUPER suai leh! no choice lo..walk back jurong point to buy! i feel paiseh lo... all the passer by keep looking at me .. like i am a freak leh! than at last i bought a OP slippers($12)...
After buying , we went around buying "FINGER" food. LOL
we eat takoyaki and the durian pancake. than i suddenly got stomachach! still need queue for the toilet lo!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yox! This is my second post after moving to my new house! I got lot to show but not a lot to say lol!
Dame lots of pics! >.<
This are the place i saw when i finding the place that we are going for our dance dinner.

I do not like their food lo... not nice . the smell like the food spoil le ! LOL

After school reopen , we also have this outdoor filming by okto.

I also take the pics of the two artist.

Pictures of the camera man

These is US!!

DONE WITH MY BLOG POST~ three more days...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry! is not i lazy la! I moving house and my computer has not been fixed.. so cannot post...I will post some pics and things tml! i confirm!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

1) What is your full name ?
Tan Sher Qi, Teresa
2) Do you like your first name ?
3)How long have you liked the person you currently like ?
4)Have you kissed anyone in the last 48hour?
5)Did you cry today?
Yup ! stomach pain!!
6)What are you doing at this morning at 8am ?
In school doing the wat choosing of president
7)What are you doing an hour ago ?
Playing PSP.
8)What are you currently doing?
This quiz la~
9)Have you told anyone that you love him/her today?
10)Do you miss anyone now?
Yes~ My family~
11)Any plans for tomorrow ?
Do a chinese compo, complete my HW and going GQD
12)What is the reason behind the last time you cry?
i just said cause of STOMACH ach!!.
13)Is there anyone you wish to be with.
Yes, everyone! lol
14)Have you ever kissed any living thing start with C?
Yes, my brother carey and chris
15)Did someone make you smile today?
My friends?
16)Name a friend whose name start with Z .
17)Which of your friends stay closest to you?
No one...
18)Do you prefer a call or to text ?
19)Was today better than yesterday ?
i think so~
20)Can you live a day without your Tv or your handphone?
Yup. Cause also no one message mi or anything
21)Are you Mad at anything now ?
Why should i be mad?
22) what does your last text massage in your inbox says ?
What are you doing at home now? (mum)
23)Is Your room messy now?

End of my quiz~
Yeah! holiday is here~ But also quite bored~
Still must go back for CCA and maths remedia~
Wish that could go out and catch a movie~


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1. Kissed someone?
- nope!
2. Sang?
- yes
3. Listened to music?
- listening now?
4. Danced Crazy?
- got dance but not crazy
5. Cried?
- yes, dio caning
6. Liked someone you can't have?
- not sure

1.Who was your first prom date?
- there are not even a prom i heard of
2. Who was your first roommate?
- parents?
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
- i never drink before
5. What was your first car?
- Toy car
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
- my parent's friend i think
8. Who was your first grade teacher?
- oh ! i remember is mrs Ravi. i think she has retire or maybe change school. i miss her sia.
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
- neh! never take aeroplane before
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
- my mum
11. Who was your first Best Friend?
- duno? too many friends haha
12. Who is your best friend?
- lots of!
13. Where was your first sleepover?
- my aunt's house
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
- most probably roxanne jiejie. but that is last time la... now sad, talk to myself lo...
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman?
- neh! i onli think i go before one people wedding ceremony and the person i don even know!!
16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
- rub my eyes
Q17 and Q18 is missing i dont noe why...
19. First tattoo or piercing?
- when i am in K1 i think . i pierce with KJ
20. First celebrity crush?
- duno. even know also dunwan say.
22. First crush?
- someone i know! haha!

What to do if you like this quiz so much?

Just COPY , PASTE , DELETE my ANS , write your own ans down! lol

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pictures Time!!

I told your i will put pics in but i forgot everytime ><
So now i will show all the pictures!!
It will be a long pic post!!

Krishna's Hand

Lu Meng's and YiXin's hand

My hand!

Brandon's and Chun Kiat's Hands

Lol! my name is also a place?!

Went to see CATS musical with dancers
Darrel kissing tthe poster that got
a female cat? (miss her arh?)

My love Dad's Birthday ^^

SYF dance Make Up!!
Cool right? lol

Went to east coust with Dance Club!

Individuel foot step ><

BBQ(class gathering)
